Parental controls software, clean porn.
It is not difficult to accidentally discover porn pictures and videos when Googling
the internet. As online porn becomes more prevalent, exposure like this is inevitable.
On occasion when we are exposed to files, locating unwanted material might offend
the person using the computer and additionally, may store unwanted files on the computer's
hard disk. And now there are software products that can look automatically for disgusting
inappropriate contents that have taken up residence on the hard disk. Advanced
products like Snitch can clean porn with smart processing, as well as
handle all the automated cleaning processes that get rid of porn and undesirable
In most cases these products are capable of most of these tasks: previewing image
files for obscenity, checking video files for obscene materials, analyzing plaintext
files for words and phrases, seeing what internet users do on the net and many other
types of automated tests. The image and video tests alone perform automated checks
and quickly show inappropriate files as separate from typical photos.
A downloadable trial version is up for grabs letting you test the software first.