Remove porn in a flash
At some stage in your computer's existence, pornography will manage to find it's way onto the hard drive. Whether you and other members of your household are "into" porn or not, you can be sure that you will sooner or later find some kind of illicit material staring you in the face.
It could have ended up on your drive in the form of email spam, it could be sitting in your internet history, or it could have been downloaded or saved on the computer by another member of the household without your knowledge. It's amazing just where this stuff can originate from but, whether this material is welcome or unwelcome, it will eventually need to be removed from your drive.
The quickest and easiest way to remove porn from your computer is to use a software program designed to scan a computer's hard drives and find all the inappropriate material that may be hiding there. Programs such as these are generally capable of scanning image files, text documents, internet history and much more in an effort to help you remove porn from your PC or laptop.
Of course, if pornographic material is not welcome on your family's computer, nothing beats good, old-fashioned diligence. But it certainly doesn't hurt to have some extra help to keep things under control.